3 ways CX professionals can prepare for 2023

3 ways CX professionals can prepare for 2023

As 2022 draws to a close, we’ve put together some tips to help you finish 2022 on a high note and actively prepare for another innovative year of CX in 2023.

It’s important to professional development in your CX strategy ensure that you’re ready to thrive, remain agile, and continuously deliver remarkable experiences for your customers.

1) Upskill with CX Training & Certification

Professional Development and continuous learning is vital for workers - especially considering the need to keep up with the latest CX trends and insights in customer-centric technology. It goes without saying that there are added benefits for businesses when employees upskill and continuously learn.

  • If your company provides access to training or reimburses for training and certifications, be sure to maximize those benefits. Affordable CX training subscription options are also a great option for individuals.

Earn your CX Certification (CCX):

  • A sure-fire way to accelerate and build on your career experience is to complete certification programs.

  • Learn about NPSx courses and training subscriptions - which include access to our online CX community, where you can further grow your network and learn and alongside CX professionals from around the world.

Benefits of CX Training:

  • Accelerate your career growth as a CX professional and boost your resume

  • Expand your knowledge and understanding of customer experience tools, strategy, and practice

  • A deeper expertise in experience management (XM) can open the door for you to innovate

  • Become a leader for colleagues to inspire a culture of employee learning and professional development

2) Plan for and prioritize customer experience initiatives

Map out communication plans for your CX team and leadership in your organization

  • Re-assess team responsibilities and ensure you’re supporting the customer’s need - and each other - most efficiently

  • Clarify what success looks like for your team and your leadership

  • Break down barriers to communication with other teams and open the door for discussions aimed at better serving your customers and streamlining your approach to customer experiences and journey management

Know how your CX initiatives rank.

  • Understand what your internal stakeholders are looking for, how they define CX success, and deliver data to back up your efforts

  • Built on Bain & Company’s proven expertise on over 3,600 NPS and CX client cases, NPSx can provide a full audit of your existing customer experience capabilities for your company to identify opportunities for improvement and help prioritize future investments.

Effectively earmark and plan your CX budget.

  • Have remaining budget from 2022? Use those funds to boost training & team needs, pour additional funds into your CX efforts.

3) Keep your pulse on CX trends in 2023


Stay in the know with CX publications and thought leadership from around the industry. Here are a few of our recommended favorites:

All of us at NPSx wish you the best finish to 2022 and a very happy, healthy, and successful 2023. Stay tuned for upcoming updates on new content and initiatives.

Want to explore NPSx’s products and tools in more detail? Visit us at NPSx.com.

About the Author

Evan Brennan-Johnson

Communications Manager, NPSx | Evan manages external communications and engagement, helping business leaders develop their capabilities and drive customer experience in the third wave of CX. He loves roller coasters, yoga, and traveling the globe.